Friday, December 11, 2009

"And all my magic will keep you dizzy with desire"

I want to start this off by saying, its raining! I love when it rains. It sets many moods. Listening to since you're gone by the cars and rain drops is heaven. Work was very busy today, I wore my boots and a new brown sweater I bought...big mistake! My boots havent been broken into now I have blisters and sore feet. Its ok though, my outfit was so cute. This week has been so topsy turvy, I feel like Im in a flim. I feel so tired, hopefully tomorrow I get to sleep in and then have a fun night out! Today I woke up, got ready and left to work with Fernie. Went to work, worked(obviously), then Fernie took me to eat In N Out! I was so hungry! I was a beast...I dont care, I was starving! Being the fitting room attendant is not an easy job! There are so many things you have to do and be sure to do. I was always busy with one thing or another. My feet and back are hurting but, its all worth it! Tomorrow I plan to go out to TGIFridays..let Ashley have her drinks and then head off the meet the guys for a game of bowling and hookah session after. I need some fun in my life. Ashley gives me that. We are laughing and having fun the whole time. Funny how people can surprise you. I have learned dont judge alot, people will turn around and be the opposite of what you thought. I hope I can get one nights good rest, Im in dire need for it! I want to say that I have been better...but I feel ok now. I think I can finally accept how things are and move on with my life. We cant dwell in the past...thats something I know I have to work on. I turn to the past alot and its not the smartest idea because I feel sad after. Luckly I have so many amazing friends who have come out and said "I will never leave your side Gianna". those are the kind of people I need to surround myself with. Not people who are going to leave when things are rough. Many friends have proved themselves to me. little things they say or do count. I love them all for being here when I was in need of sympathy and care. They snapped me out of it and helped me smile and forget. I think about things..but time heals....slowly but time does heal. Oh this morning I found a huge nasty bruise on my thigh. This is something that would only happen to me. I stumbled a little and BAM hit myself on this metal part of the car door. I am so clumsy! I dont know how many times I almost fell at work...imagine how embarrassing that would be!! I think it would be funny though, you have to learn to laugh at yourself when you do something dumb. Seriously people, dont take yourself so seriously! Sometimes being at work makes me realize how mean and rude some people are out there. I go out there with a smile and am always sweet! Some people were never brought up with manners! Its so sad and I pity the because nobody likes rude and snooty people! do you?? I didnt think so! Some will say thank you with a smile and others are shady and wont even say thank you...much less a smile! People these pathetic! Im so excited for this weekend, I hope that everyone is good! I wanted to say thank you to you people who sit there and actually read this. You all are beautiful and amazing people. Never hesitate to post something..OH YES!..... I have decided that I will be selling some clothes that is in good condition! I have some things I need to clear with my bank and I need to buy some packaging for everything. Photos might be taken tomorrow and post will be up soon for it. They will all be on the cheaper side, I know not everyone has money these days. Some of these clothes I haven't even worn! I warn that I am small, therefore all I have are smalls and mediums! Thank you again everyone. Goodnight all you lovely people.


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